Fresh Cut Hay

Going outside is my daily routine that adds health and continued wellness to my daily life.
I will find time no matter what the weather is doing, I mean weather will always happen so you might as well embrace it!

I either walk down the long dirt driveway to the mailbox, you see I live on a farm and everything out here takes a bit more time to do, so you just learn to sit back, dig into the moment and enjoy, or I slowly do my chores and as I start my day.
Today I walked down to the barn and stood there for a moment, as the pups played around my legs, I dived into the deep aroma of the fresh cut hay bales that were recently stacked. There is nothing sweeter than the smell of fresh cut hay, I like to fill my lungs with this smell and just get lost in the moment.
I could hear the horses quietly and slowly munching away in the other corner of the barn, as I became one with them and the instensity of the fresh hay.

Realizing the pups had wandered off, I came out of my hay trance, and went on a quest to see if I could find these wild dogs of mine. I found them running around in the pasture, so we continued to enjoy the outside part of this early morning day.
I decided to walk around for a bit after I finished up feeding the chickens, before I went into the house I looked around to make sure everything was done, I felt healthy and happy in that moment in time, already looking forward to what tomorrow morning chore time would bring.

AboutLong Ears Farm

My passion for life is baking and creating in the kitchen.
From canning fresh produce and fruit each summer and fall with my grown children to
Flipping thru magazines and trying those impossible dishes.
However I always know that I can rely on the old family tried and true recipes.

I have written many cookbooks over the years, you can order them directly at, The cookbooks have reminded me that I always go back to finding my true self in the kitchen, when I am covered in flour, lost in baking or making the biggest mess ever in the kitchen.
Sometimes my kitchen looks like a tornado hit it! And I have a really small space lol.

Now that the kitchen and i have finally found our groove we are able to further the journey with sharing my recipes, thoughts, and kitchen wisdom with the world!
Gone are the days of rushing into the house after a long day at work, and trying to beat Betty Crocker at her own game , tirelessly trying to whip up a nutritious and delicious meal for the family, making it look effortless and taste good too!
Many a night was spent in my work coat cooking dinner, as I had not taken the time to take it off.
Straight to the kitchen , a glass of wine and my favorite casserole dish I went.
This is partly the product of being brought up on a salad, main entrée, with a ton of side dishes, and of course a home baked dessert!

However it was survival of the fittest for my kids as they grew up.
You had one chance to eat dinner, and if you chose to sit there and pout over the broccoli on your plate, many nights when dinner was over, you went hungry.
Ahhh those were the days, the days when parenting was free spirited and fun!

I hope you enjoy what I share with you, and if you ever find yourself looking for a little bit of those tried and true recipes feel free to check out my cookbook, there's something in them for everyone!

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