Fresh Cut Hay

Going outside is my daily routine that adds health and continued wellness to my daily life. I will find time no matter what the weather is doing, I mean weather will always happen so you might as well embrace it! I either walk down the long dirt driveway to the mailbox, you see I live on a farm and everything out here takes a bit more time to do, so …

Days full of Sunshine and Good Food

The baking extravaganza all started with the announcement that my two daughters were coming over early Sunday morning! They had a to do list to do with the horses, it was going to be one of those wonderfully long days filled with outside chores , good food, laughter and complete exhaustion at the end of the day. Because I always have a to-do list that needs some TLC every now …

Spring has Sprung!!

  Hear Ye! Hear Yes, spring has sprung here at Long Ears Farm. This morning when I went out to do morning chores, I was greeted by the sound of a spring songbird. We have known each other for many years now, and I always say “See you next spring!” every time he flies south and I go indoors for the winter. I felt like a rebirth is occurring, within …

Grandmas Kitchen

I am an avid writer that enjoys the cooking experience, from planning the meals, to shopping ingredients, to spending time in the kitchen creating the dish. Most importantly I luv to eat what I cook, I enjoy the flavors and textures in all foods. I luv to immerse myself in the smells and aromas that invoke so many memories, isn’t it funny how a chocolate chip cookie can take you …

Welcome to Long Ears Farm

Hi, I’m Nancy I live on a farm in southern Minnesota. I have a passion for trying new recipes; you could say I really love to cook and bake. Alongside my love for cooking and creating, Long Ears Farm is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating donkeys in need.  This was started when Annie and Pennie came into my life a few years ago as my first donkey rescue.  Being in …

Frozen Whipped Cream, Banana , Chocolate Chip Treats

I have to proudly admit, that I have a craving for sweets, at least once a week. There are times that I can ignore the craving and just move on with my life, and there are days when the thoughts of eating something sweet, just won’t leave me alone. So today being one of those wonderful days, when I wanted a sweet treat after dinner, I decided to make something …

Fresh Homemade Dog Food Loaf

Did you know that here at Long Ears Farm, I have 4 and 1/2 dogs and 6 housecats? So imagine that sometimes nightly feeding is chaotic for this group. Each dog, even the small one who is the 1/2 dog in the pack, has a certain spot they like to eat in, certain rules for who they will eat next to, and a certain speed for consumption. The trick is …

Dull Woman Club

I am a master of dull woman syndrome. I like to sit at the kitchen table each morning, slowly eat my breakfast, and watch the bird feeders to see if there are any new inhabitants moving in. With spring slowly arm-wrestling winter out of the way, I find that more and more birds are migrating my way. I spend a lot of my money and time on the critters of …

Double Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Do you have that go to cookie recipe that you can bake and eat over and over? That home baked cookie that is your absolute favorite and never gets old to have on hand? Well, scoot over favorite cookie recipe; there’s a new cookie in town!. The double chocolate chip oatmeal cookie recipe will now be at the top of your favorite list. This cookie is soft and chewy and …

The Golden Heart of Puddles

One rainy and cold early spring night in mid-April, Puddles the glorious walked away from the only life he ever knew and landed on the doorstep of a friend of mine. You see, puddles arrived on the doorstep; soaking wet and exhausted, battered and beaten, he collapsed at the bottom of the porch into a puddle. The next morning, my friend opened the front door to let the dogs out …

You know the old adage, only “61 days until spring.”

You know the old adage, only “61 days until spring.” I look at this cold, frozen barren landscape and wonder how anything will ever emerge again. Many times Driving home on the icy roads with the wind howling, I think about the people who came before me out here in rural Minnesota. I think about what the daily life for the woman was like as she worked to keep the …

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake cookies

Oh, these winters are a dangerous time of year for me in the kitchen. I have two things going against me: my inability to be bored for very long and the desire to bake, testing new recipes for possible entries into the Summer County Fair. The thought of creating a winning entry for the Summer County Fair keeps me motivated and determined to perfect my baking skills during these chilly …

Crab Cheese Wonton

Do you ever get a desire for a certain food that, no matter what you do, you can’t get out of your head? It starts as an idea and slowly becomes an obsession—a must-have. This recently happened to me with the crab cheese wonton. I had this craving that suddenly grew into a raging fire within me. I found myself at the grocery store, stocking up on everything I would …

Gingerbread Granola

Homemade granola is one of my favorite foods for breakfast and a snack during the day. Gingerbread granola is full of warmth, bright festive colors, and a nice sweetness added to the crunchy goodness of the oats. Gingerbread granola incorporates the spices and sweetness typically found in gingerbread cookies into the crunchy texture of traditional granola. While the granola is in the oven baking, the aroma fills the kitchen as …

Pancake Mix

When you first wake up and shuffle to the kitchen, the last thing most people want to do is try to find a recipe or read the small letters on a box of store-bought pancake mix before coffee. This pancake mix is perfect; you simply preheat your griddle, grab a cup of the mix add water until its a nice pourable batter, and start making fresh homemade pancakes. I mean, …

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Nancy Horning
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