Annie and Pennys Garden Grows

There has been an whirlwind of activity here at Long Ears Farm in the past couple weeks.

With the return of warmer temps, I am now able to get everything outside set up in the garden, open up the chicken coops, build gates, repair fences, and turn the outside water back on, and bring the swamp cooler back online.

Annie and Penny have been very involved in all the action lately, they luv to stand at the fence and offer encouraging sounds and opinions.

You see Annie and Penny luv to garden, they enjoy opening the garden back up getting ready for planting season.   To tilling the dirt, planting the seeds and seedlings, and watering everything in.

The garden is now planted, and we watch daily for those little signs of progress.  Just this morning, I noticed my cantaloupe is sprouted and ready to follow the sun and grow!

I’m usually out in the garden super early, around 6:00am, thank goodness I don’t have any neighbors close by, this morning I yelled “Hey Annie, the cantaloupe are here!”

I could tell by the look on Annie’s face that she was as excited as I for this development.

Squash, beats, carrots, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions, beans, and of course oodles of sunflowers have all sprouted.   I water and weed them daily, watching over them like a protective mama bear and her cubs!

I think I most thrilled about the kale , arugula and lettuce that is now ready to eat, you see I planted all this in early May, just waiting for this day! To finally take those items off my grocery list for a few months.!

Annie had brought Penny to the fence to see the baby cantaloupe and both of them were still standing there when I fired up the mower and drove past her.  Annie was not thrilled, she bucked and pushed Penny back out to pasture, with ears pinned.

Who knew that Annie and the mower were not best friends! lol

I can’t wait to get into the garden each morning bright and early there is always something new and wonderful happening, thank you Annie for reminding me to pick the kale and arugula for breakfast!


Annie wants to let you all know that the garden is now double the size and the produce is coming in, fast and furious.  Since we have started canning and freezing Annie and Penny are always planning what’s next and always giving an opinion, they will post the August update very soon!

AboutLong Ears Farm

My passion for life is baking and creating in the kitchen.
From canning fresh produce and fruit each summer and fall with my grown children to
Flipping thru magazines and trying those impossible dishes.
However I always know that I can rely on the old family tried and true recipes.

I have written many cookbooks over the years, you can order them directly at, The cookbooks have reminded me that I always go back to finding my true self in the kitchen, when I am covered in flour, lost in baking or making the biggest mess ever in the kitchen.
Sometimes my kitchen looks like a tornado hit it! And I have a really small space lol.

Now that the kitchen and i have finally found our groove we are able to further the journey with sharing my recipes, thoughts, and kitchen wisdom with the world!
Gone are the days of rushing into the house after a long day at work, and trying to beat Betty Crocker at her own game , tirelessly trying to whip up a nutritious and delicious meal for the family, making it look effortless and taste good too!
Many a night was spent in my work coat cooking dinner, as I had not taken the time to take it off.
Straight to the kitchen , a glass of wine and my favorite casserole dish I went.
This is partly the product of being brought up on a salad, main entrée, with a ton of side dishes, and of course a home baked dessert!

However it was survival of the fittest for my kids as they grew up.
You had one chance to eat dinner, and if you chose to sit there and pout over the broccoli on your plate, many nights when dinner was over, you went hungry.
Ahhh those were the days, the days when parenting was free spirited and fun!

I hope you enjoy what I share with you, and if you ever find yourself looking for a little bit of those tried and true recipes feel free to check out my cookbook, there's something in them for everyone!

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