Fresh Homemade Dog Food Loaf

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Yields: 24 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 20 Mins Cook Time: 30 Mins Total Time: 50 Mins

Did you know that here at Long Ears Farm, I have 4 and 1/2 dogs and 6 housecats? So imagine that sometimes nightly feeding is chaotic for this group.

Each dog, even the small one who is the 1/2 dog in the pack, has a certain spot they like to eat in, certain rules for who they will eat next to, and a certain speed for consumption.

The trick is to load all the bowls up with dry dog and some of the fresh dog food, get everyone in their place, grab the bowls, and run. You see the goal is to outsmart the cats so they don’t know what’s happening in the kitchen, If you move to slowly, they all come running, hungry, and demanding to eat.

I always plan that all the dogs will behave, and if it does, the plan works as smooth as butter. However, if there is one rebel in the group, that’s when the chaos can start and the plans fall apart. So, it’s important to make sure all the dogs are on board with the plan before executing it. Otherwise, chaos may ensue, and the cats might form a mutiny and take over entirely.

One of the cats, who shall remain nameless (Astrid), is a true believer that she is queen and should be treated like royalty. Her brother Auggie, who is the exact opposite, is chill like a surfer dude and lives his life at a nice, chill pace; he has manners and is sweet as pie. These two think that feeding time was invented just for them. They like to come into the kitchen and gulp as much fresh dog food out of the bowl as the bowls are being made. So its a game of swat the cat away, all the while making sure the dog is getting enough to eat. This does not include the other cats who come into the kitchen; one of them has a short fuse and hisses a lot; the other one sits as quiet as a statue; and the two big dumb boys sit on the floor and wait patiently, trying to trip (me) the waitress.

I decided there had to be a better and less hectic way to make feeding time a better experience for all. I began to see a pattern each night: I could get the dogs dishes ready and get the dogs in their places. It was when I popped open the dog food can that triggered the cat’s drama. I began to look for options to feed the dogs that did not include canned food. I liked the dog food loaf and the fresh food delivery service, but I did not like the prices or the delivery service that much. I didn’t want to put the UPS driver’s life at risk with fresh dog food on the truck when he pulled up to the house.

After some research and looking at each dog’s likes and dislikes, I made a fresh dog food recipe that works for everyone. I also feed premium dry food that supplies the needed vitamins, minerals, and fiber to my best friends. The fresh dog food is a good source of protein and vitamins from the vegetables, however, it will not provide a complete meal and should be supplemented with a good-quality dry dog food.

To make the fresh do good, I fill a mini muffin pan with the mixture and bake it in the oven, so each dog gets one of the muffins with the dry dog food each night.

I also made 2 large cake pans of Fresh Dog Food, that I baked. Once it was cooled out of the oven I cut it into quarters, put those into large ziploc bags and tossed in the freezer. By doing this I have set myself up for at least 3 weeks of food for these poor pups of mine.

When adding the fresh dog food to your dog’s diet, simply add in about 2 tablespoons of it into the dry food for dinner, This is a great addition and adds protein.

Based on the fresh ingredients of ground turkey, carrots, peas, and oatmeal, this food vs. good-quality canned dog food is a much cheaper option, as it lasts longer, and is easy to freeze in small containers. There is no more cabinet space being taken up with canned dog food, and no more throwing away cans.

The fresh dog food is super easy to make; it took me about 30 minutes to prepare and 25 minutes to bake in the oven, freezes well, and the dogs love it!

Check out my homemade, all-natural dog cookies! they are a hit for even the pickiest eater. The Absolute Very Best Dog Cookies

Well, the cats love it too, but that’s a story for another day.



0/7 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/2 Instructions
  • In a large pot on the stove, cook the 1 1/2 Cup rice ( white or brown) In a large pot on the stove, cook the turkey meat until well done, drain off the juice Add in the chicken broth, carrots, and cans of peas (drained), blend together, and cook until the carrots are soft.
  • Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the cooked rice, and set to cool. Once cool, add in the oatmeal, and raw egg, blend well. Add in additional oatmeal if the mixture is too soft, until it forms a meatball.


When adding the fresh dog food to your dog's diet, simply add in about 2 tablespoons of the fresh dog food. The fresh homemade dog food is a good source of protein and vitamins from the meat and vegetables, however, it will not provide a complete meal and should be supplemented with a good-quality dry dog food. You can add broccoli, and blueberries, a small amount of coconut oil, or olive oil. Also you can add in chopped hard boiled eggs. Remember, this is plain food; there are no seasonings needed.

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